My mom came to visit for a few weeks the end of September. It was fun having her here as Tanner turned 12. We partied hard that week. Since my grandparents came as well, mom briefly moved upstairs to Tanner's room so that my grandparents could have the guest bedroom on the main level. Mom has several cousins in Utah that she hasn't seen in over 20 years so we had a cousin reunion. The Rhotons, the Harmans, the Schurters and the Johnsons all became reaquainted. Russ grilled hamburgers and hotdogs. Unfortunately, it was rather chilly so everyone packed into the house after discovering the fire pit didn't provide adequate warmth. (Utah weather can rise or drop 20 degrees in 24 hours....Its crazy!)

The next day, Tanner was ordained a deacon at church and Russ grilled fajitas for everyone afterwards. So many people came and participated in the circle. It was a special day for sure! (Again, for journaling purposes - Marcos & Chelsea Gomez, Marcelo Gomez, Mark & Danielle Davis, Jed & Mikel North, Tanner's school teacher - Megan Ford & her husband, Mia & Todd Chase & Alyson, Ken & Caroline Johnson (Great grandparents), Carol Curry (Grandma), John & Danika Pope (Cousins), Richard & Marie Scadden (Grandparents), Dean Scadden (Great grandpa), Kory & Melanie Scadden & Sadie, Ian, Sam and Ava, Jeff & Stephanie Scadden & Addy, Tyson, Jackson and Boston, Tina & Steve Estoque & Brandon, Amanda, Lauren and Nate - all came. It was a bit crazy afterwards but very special to us all to feel the support we had!)
Well, I keep trying to add a picture of John and Danika and just deleted a picture of Tanner with the Three Markscateers. I can't figure out how to format this blog so...Maybe next time. :(
The end of October was our traditional trailer

trick or treating. Cousins and friends (The Flannery's) came and participated as Russ hooked up the trailer, we decorated it with lights and pulled everyone throughout the neighborhood. It was a fun night, but we definitely missed the Kings and Rehmans!

After my mom left the middle of November, we celebrated Thanksgiving by taking the kids to a movie. Friday we had Thanksgiving dinner with the extended Scadden family in Kaysville. We enjoyed it but were so tired after pulling Black Friday all nighters. Was it worth it? You betcha! I can honestly say I'm 99% finished with Christmas shopping...YEAH!
On a sidenote, Russ took me to see Blindside this week. I loved the story theme but even more so, I admit the scenery made me a bit homesick. I appreciated the fact that Tim McGraw didn't have to "fake" a southern accent and that what he said came naturally. The huge oaks and beautiful magnolias along with the antebellum style architecture did not escape my notes. I long for an extensive walk in a grove of large trees with moss hanging down and green all around me. Perhaps sometime next year that will happen.
Changes occur for a reason. While I appreciate some, I hit others a bit more reluctantly. Russ enjoys his job. For that I'm grateful. I'm back in Young Women. I'm grateful for that. Our kids are healthy and though some are adjusting easier than others, they are supportive. I'm very grateful for that! We miss our friends and southern family something fierce. Some days are worse than others. I'm grateful for Facebook allowing me to "stay in touch" and virtually "see" those I long to touch. When all is said and done, we are doing well.
We've survived our first snowfalls, finished a football season for the boys, celebrated our first major holiday in our new house, decorated for Christmas for the first time in Utah, witnessed the fact that our kids are growing faster than we ever thought possible (and we THOUGHT we were reasonable regarding their timeline with us), and reaquainted ourselves with many friends and family members on the Scadden side. I feel accomplished as I've nearly completed addressing my Christmas cards, I have stamps in my desk and a plan to mail them this week. I'm so excited Russ was anxious to put up lights and help outdoors with the decorating!