Yesterday at church the topic of Sacrament Meeting was basically centered around Growth and Survival of Opposition. Many thoughts and insights were shared by individuals who have seen quite a bit of opposition in their lives. I thought about my life and the trials that I've been through. It has weighed heavily on my mind so I read further some of the talks from past conferences and quotes from wonderful men and women who have really experienced life.
The insights I've gained? Well...really, I already knew these things but feel it important to remind myself frequently: Trials are never fun and sometimes stretch us to a capacity that we don't realize we possess. Though I'm grateful for trials after the fact, I'm also slow
ly coming to the realization that refinement is a tough process and definitely necessary for personal growth. I suppose I have always known that, but now I'm really appreciating some of the trials I've had in the past. (Still, I don't look forward to more trials - though I know they'll be placed in my pathway as I have yet to be refined in the way that I need to be!) I'm grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who thinks I'm worthy of refinement!

Russ was put back into Elder's Quorum yesterday. I don't know why this doesn't scare me but it doesn't. Is it because we've been through busier callings? Is it because I am getting older and "old hat" to some of these positions? Is it because something else in our future? I don't know. I do know that our conception of flying under the radar has not lasted long. That is okay though. I'm at peace. (Strange, I know.)

After posting a few weeks ago, I realized that I failed to post some of our pictures that Whitney (Palmer) Lewis took of our family. So, I'm going to close this week's blog on a note that the pictures from that shooting are contained in various places on this page. Whitney truly captured each child's personality! We were so happy to have her use her skill and talent in helping us document this time in our family.

I'm still somewhat in denial that my youngest is going to be 4 soon and my oldest will turn 14 two days afterwards. Where has time gone? I suppose this is a prime example of one of my trials I've recently undergone. I know my time is short with these children and I'm not ready for it to be even close to over. I hope that the memories we are making will hold the family ties tight throughout their lives (and mine)!
The last picture is our family picture that we used on most of our Christmas cards this year.

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