Last night, Russ and I left the twins home with our youngest two children (for the first time)while we ran to the church for the youth session of Stake Conference. The stake center is less than a mile away and we had neighbors home "on call" as well as a cell phone that the twins had in their possession if anything was needed. (We weren't gone that long either...) Anyway, I have to brag about Carter and his stellar babysitting, child entertaining, pajama changing skills.
Chandler had a late nap and was wired more than is typical at night. Taylor was tired and went to bed, leaving Carter with the responsibility of an active, strong willed little boy. When we came home, Carter was still beside Chandler (and evidentally had not left his side all evening); was frustrated because Chandler had his own idea of when it was time to put on pajamas and consistently fought and took them off each time Carter dressed him; and was personally tired and a little upset that his twin brother had gone off to bed, leaving him with the bulk of the night. Still, Carter didn't give up and proved he can be responsible!
Typically, Taylor is our more responsible twin but Carter showed him up last night. Wow, Carter, you amaze me! When we taked about his evening as he was going to bed - he told me that he stayed with Chan because I asked him to. He also realized that Taylor was out for the count and it was up to him so he knew he had to step up to the plate. Carter is growing up! While this saddens me on one level, it also makes me so happy to know Carter will step up to responsibility if pushed. (We now need to help him initiate the leadership...but that will come as well!)
There are times in my family when my kids want to know why someone else is getting preferential treatment (in their eyes). I've learned that no matter how fair I'm really being - They don't always access the situation in full view. Rather than trying to explain to them and tell them, "No, so-and-so is NOT my favorite" I've reverted to the saying: "So-and-so is the flavor of the day." They frequently ask at the beginning of the day if they can be the flavor. They're really cute about it. So, Carter, YOU are the flavor of the day! I think you're wonderful and I love you so very much. Who would have thought that my premature 2 lb. 7 oz., 13" little boy would grow up to be so awesome! You amaze me with your love of life, open acceptance of others and ability to soften the blows that come to others. You may be forgetful at times, but you are also capable of shouldering responsibility. You are amazing!