Tanner: You are this week's hero! I realize that you do not care for scouting and sometimes wish it would go away. Some day, you are going to be happy that you perservered through the "boring" merit badge seminars and completed necessary requirements to earn your Eagle. When that day comes, your mom will be crying tears of gratitude and immense relief! (For truly, I'll be glad this is over too!)
The past three weeks, Tanner has attended Merit Badge Seminars each Saturday and earned 4 merit badges. These badges were not without extra homework, prying and even bribing from Mom and Dad. Tanner worked hard though and secured a) Emergency Preparedness, b) Family Life, c) Citizenship in the Nation, and d) Communication - all through the Scout Pow-Wows. He also fulfilled requirements with his group to complete the Environmental Science Merit Badge. We had blue cards that were incomplete for First Aid as well as Personal Management. Tanner met with the counselor yesterday for Personal Management and I took him to meet with Dee Madsen today to have the CPR training he was required to get for First Aid. Way to go Tanner - 7 Eagle-Required Merit Badges in a long weekend is a HUGE accomplishment and we are so proud of your work. [Only three more required and 4 more electives to go....YEAH!]
Tanner, I hope you always remember that your brothers (and sisters) look up to you. They idolize you for your kindness, love, patience and the way in which you execute assignments. You are on track to become an Eagle Scout in another year (give or take a few months). The attitude you display through words and actions will help form the approach that your twin brothers take with Scouting and in turn the attitude Chandler will one day have.
Your mom and dad love you dearly, Tanner. I hope you always choose the harder path, the one less traveled. I hope you realize how much your Savior loves you as an individual. I hope you understand that you are truly of devine heritage...You are a son of a King - a Heavenly King. Continue to learn the gospel, seek to understand the scriptures, be worthy of the priesthood you bear and strive always to become the person you are meant to become. Don't sell yourself short for worldly pleasures. If you happen to make a mistake, realize that you can repent. Our Savior suffered and died so that through your efforts in life, you could repent and become clean and pure again. Keep the commandments and continue excelling so that you can Return with Honor.
I'm rewarded every day for your hard work and who you are. Just knowing you are my son and that you are working hard is fulfilling. (OK - I know I nag sometimes. I'm working on that.) I love you tons, Tanner!
(DISCLAIMER: I use my blog as a journal with the intent of publishing and binding each year. Many of the sentiments I express on paper are for my children and my wonderful eternal husband. Though my writings on this particular blog are for "all to see", they are specifically written for those I love to realize the impact they have in my life and to understand better the challenges and trials I undergo as well as the lessons I hopefully learn.)
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