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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Cookies, Cookies, Cookies

I just looked at my blog and realized I haven't posted in a couple weeks. Since I'm trying to keep this up better, I've been racking my brain about what I could write.

Basically, nothing is new. Our life is still crazy busy. Russ and I picked up the cookie order yesterday from the warehouse. Can you say Girl Scout Cookies everywhere? I have them stacked in our third garage - under lock and key! We delivered the cookies to the girls who had ordered them and now it is time for me to help MeKenna get her personal orders together and out to the various people she needs to deliver them to. This is a picture of our trailer loaded with cookies as we were preparing to leave the warehouse. We put the "other" kinds of cookies (is there REALLY anything else but Samoas?) into the back of the Suburban.

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